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A Simple Life: a response to the climate crisis by Brother Phap Luu

Earth, Interview

Brother Phap Luu shares about climate awareness, his insights and the healing path of living as a monastic:

“As a monk I take care of my emotions around the climate crisis so I can help other people to take care of their emotions. And that is what I try to do, every day. And I can also learn how to live more simply as a monk … Learning how to build communities, resilient communities, that live simply on the earth, in beauty and freedom.”

This sharing is part of series of responses to the Climate Crisis by monastics of Deer Park monastery. Recorded at Deer Park Monastery, Escondido, CA, USA, November 2021.

Watch also our inspiring films about Mother Earth and Activism: The Way OutRebel for life and Dear Earth. You can find all our films here: mindful films.

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