teachings by Thich Nhat Hanh
The mindfulness teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh are pure gold. Gold in the form of true peace, true freedom and true happiness. Evermind Media wants to make this gold accessible to everyone, wherever you are, by spreading the teachings online. With the global and personal challenges of today, more needed than ever before. Be inspired by the images and wisdom of the Plum Village community.
Happy viewing!
teachings by Thich Nhat Hanh
Happy viewing!
Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh has a revolutionary proposal to tackle the climate problem. “The way out is in”, he states. “The way out of climate change is inside each of us.” An urgent film about climate crisis, activism and mindfulness.
Rebel for Life is a powerful story about climate activism, the spirit of community and the future of life on Earth. At the centre of this story we follow Vishal, a young hospital doctor who has turned into a full time climate activist. “The climate crisis is a health crisis”, he says. Systemic change is needed to prevent mass extinction, and there is no time to lose: “We’ve got only one generation left to survive on this Earth.” Vishal and other protagonists in this film were trained in mindfulness and peaceful activism in Plum Village, France.
Being a teacher in the world of today is a demanding job with lots of challenges, often resulting in stress and burn-out. Is there a solution?

“There is this song that we like to sing: ‘I have arrived, I am home.’ Mindfulness is to always arrive in the here and the now. We have been running a lot, but we have not arrived yet.”

mindful film maker
I am a film maker from the Netherlands and a mindfulness practitioner in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Since 2013 I make films together with the monastic Plum Village community. Our goal is to share the mindfulness teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh through films online.
Mindfulness is the practice of coming home in the here and the now. One step made with attention, one breath made in concentration can bring you back home. That is the path and the practice. I can assure you, that you will become at least 50% happier walking this path, practising mindfulness.