Here and Now: Sister Chan Duc about Mother Earth

Here and Now: Sister Chan Duc about Mother Earth

bonus material Here and Now: Sister Chan Duc about Mother Earth Sister Chan Duc shares about daily enlightenment, finding the Pure Land in the here and now, and gives specific advice to the youngest generation. “If we want the human species to evolve into another...
Home: Joe Holtaway

Home: Joe Holtaway

bonus material Home: Joe Holtaway Joe Holtaway plays a song about a new day on Earth. A song of hope, awakening … and responsibility. “May we live in peace, and may the spirit grow.And as we live and breathe, may we come to know,that we are holders of here,and...
To love is to be there

To love is to be there

blog To love is to be there The Forum in Barcelona is a very big and modern theatre. It can hold more than 3000 people. That evening it was packed. On the poster an image of Thich Nhat Hanh and the title of his talk: The Art of Living Awake. The theatre was buzzing...
Community in a piece of paper

Community in a piece of paper

blog Community in a piece of paper A famous teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh is the teaching on ´a piece of paper´. During a dharma talk he would pick up a piece of paper, bring it up to his eye level, look at it and say: We don’t have to be a poet to see a tree in this...
Embrace: Brother Kai Li about Mother Earth

Embrace: Brother Kai Li about Mother Earth

bonus material Embrace: Brother Kai Li about Mother Earth Brother Kai Li about the wisdom of Mother Earth, our greed and the healing beauty of compassion. “Mother Earth always embraces us. Mother Earth never complains. Mother Earth is always giving. Sometimes we...